Fact: my commenters are smarter than yours. The latest proof comes from Dennis McCunney, weighing in on a post examining whether fire-sale prices by the weaker players in the tablet market will result in a tablet price war. I’m running his comment in full, below.
I see Amazon’s tablet the same way I saw their Kindle. For Amazon, it’s not about the device, it’s about the content.
The Kindle primed the eBook pump. For Amazon, eBooks were a natural. They were already the world’s largest catalog retailer, and probably the world’s largest book retailer. They had the infrastructure in place to display the catalog and take the order. Immediate fulfillment via digital download was a simple addition. eBooks have no warehousing or distribution costs. For Amazon, what’s not to like?
The fact that Kindle apps for PC, tablet, and smartphone followed was no surprise. Amazon wants to sell you eBooks. Whether you buy and read them on an actual Kindle or a device with a Kindle app doesn’t matter. I’m sure Amazon makes money on the Kindle, though it may be single digit margins, but the Kindle was simply building a market. Selling you eBooks was the point of the exercise.
Assume a tablet will be the same. A friend refers to his iPad as a “media consumption device”, and he’s quite right. An Amazon tablet will be one as well, and like the Kindle, will be a way for Amazon to sell you the content.
Broadband is becoming pervasive enough that it is feasible for many consumers to keep their media on the cloud and access it on demand. Amazon is a major player in cloud services, and has the servers and bandwidth to be where the consumer keeps their media, and the catalog to sell it to them.
Any bets we won’t see Amazon getting into the music and movie areas? It’s content they can sell you, store for you, and stream to you for a fee. If I were Netflix, I’d be really nervous about this.